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Loan Approval Process

Time is Money -
We are Private Real Estate Lenders Loaning Own Funds,
Closings in 3 to 7 Days

estate agent giving house keys to woman and sign agreement in office

We move as fast as Title, Escrow and Insurance allow

We do not require appraisals, personal financial statements or tax returns

  1. 24-hour initial loan request review followed by lender letter of intent (LOI)
  2. Review borrower application and documentation (LLC or LP agreement, budgets, rehab or development plans)
  3. Open escrow and obtain preliminary title report
  4. Generate loan documents for review
  5. Receive evidence of property insurance
  6. Submit loan documents to escrow
  7. Wire loan funds to borrower and close escrow!

Limited fees

The only third-party fees outside of title and escrow you will pay are:

  • Legal fees – $2,000
  • Rehab/Development Budget Review Fee – $600 to $900
  • Insurance Review Fee – $295
Photo drawings for the project engineering work
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Get a quote that
you can trust

Call us at
858-229-7799 or
619-980-8977 for a quote.